Sunday Links Presented by One K Helmets

The annual Windchase Polar Dive! Photo courtesy of Phyllis Dawson.

Working students at Windchase farm dove head first into 2019! Annually on New Year’s Day, these guys take the icy plunge. This moment is my favorite — they’re just inches from hitting the water and the inevitable chill that follows. Swim on, 2019!

National Holiday: National Shortbread Day

Sunday Links:

Calling all Horses and Riders for the 2019 USEA Educational Symposium with Maxime Livio

Introducing the USEA Intercollegiate Eventing Handbook & Updated Championship Guidelines

Stewart Tip of the Month: GPS for Your New Year’s Resolution

Mountain biker takes on horse on cross-country course

Meme-able (And Memorable) Moments At The 2019 Robert Dover Horsemastership Week

Young mule impresses on his hunting debut

Sunday Video:

#LÆ Training Tip: Teaching a young or green horse to lunge and don’t have access to a round pen? Find a fenced corner of your arena or pasture and place three jumps as the border where there isn’t fencing in order to create a positive learning environment for your horse! Lunging is a great way to teach your horse to stretch, self-carriage and eventually begin collection so it’s never too soon to start! Here’s 3 yo Flynn demonstrating his first attempt in lunging!

Posted by Lainey Ashker on Friday, January 4, 2019