Sunday Video: Cavaletti Exercises with Evention

Two weeks ago Dom and Jimmie Schramm kicked off Season 3 of Evention TV with a detailed tutorial on how to build your own cavaletti. Who knew Dom was so handy with power tools? This week, they’re back to show you just what you can do with the cavaletti you built or the ones you already own.

I love cavaletti exercises (even though I second guess the spelling of the word each and every time I type it). They are great for building confidence in a young horse, fine tuning the basics in an experienced horse, practicing your position over low fences, challenging your horse’s footwork and above all, strengthening your horse’s core muscles. Plus, there are literally endless combinations of exercises you can set up.

In this episode, Dom explains while Jimmie demonstrates three cavaletti exercises that introduce course work through turning exercises and easy combinations. As a bonus, Dom shows you how to measure striding when setting up cavaletti, as the distances will be slightly different than normal fences.