VOTE: Who Will Become EN’s Most Famous Fan?

Trucker tat! Noell Silvertsen-Edgell's flags lasted through Rolex, around the Prelim course at Penny Oaks and through the trip home with navigator Lou. Trucker tat! Noell Silvertsen-Edgell's flags lasted through Rolex, around the Prelim course at Penny Oaks and through the trip home with navigator Lou.

Sam Griffiths and Paulank Brockagh.

William Fox Pitt and Bay My Hero.


Who should take their place among the great ones and grace the homepage of Eventing Nation? We handed out EN tattoos (and hats, and socks and beer) at the Tredstep Ireland Insanity in the Middle Rolex Tailgate and challenged you to Show Us Your Flags for a shot at fame. It’s time to vote for your favorite.

The winner will soon have something in common with Mary King. And even if it’s the only thing they’ll ever have in common with Mary, it’s still cool. A profile of you and your horse on Eventing Nation is priceless!

Merida Miller rocks boots, tatt & hat

Merida Miller rocks boots, tat and hat.

Alayne Edwards

Alayne Edwards

Alayne’s bestie Tori Myers sent in the above shot of Alayne Edwards. Those serious guns come from competing at Prelim, being a captain in the Canadian Forces and two-armed Bud curls, not necessarily in that order.

Peter Arndt with Rolex logo, lanyard, look of eagles - and flags

Peter Arndt with Rolex logo, lanyard, look of eagles and flags.

Five-year-old fan Sarah Kate Kangas with flags and a sweet pony shirt by Fence 5.

Five-year-old fan Sarah Kate Kangas with flags and a sweet pony shirt by fence 5.

Katrina Zimmer & friends at the tailgate

Katrina Zimmer and friends at the tailgate.

 Kristin Leason and two sure signs of greatness: EN flags, EN chinch

Kristin Leason and two sure signs of greatness: EN flags and Chinch.

Anna Smith did her first Rolex in style with mom, Stacy

Anna Smith did her first Rolex in style with flags and mom Stacy.

Helen Brew getting air off the Dueling Tree

Helen Brew getting air off the Dueling Tree. It’s tricky to see the flags in action, so she sent further proof …

...complete with Rolex rider in the background.

… complete with Rolex rider in the background.

Vote for your favorite:

Voting closes Friday, May 16 at 5 p.m. EST.

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