This is the ultimate feat of what a friend of mine likes to call man-genuity. I just call it good ol’ fashioned dumb. Have you spotted something awesome on your local Craigslist? Let us know about it at [email protected].
Heavy duty plastic horse hay feeder. The wife was going to buy one of those $600 plastic hay feeders when I came up with this idea. I bought the house, modified it to make the windows bigger & custom built a pallet base to keep the hay off the ground. Up to five or six horses can eat at the same time & they don’t scatter the hay as bad as with hay rings. I had the metal rings before and know how much hay you loose due to weather & due to the horses scattering. Since it has a roof it also keeps the hay dry. One adult can move this. I put it out every winter for the horses, then put it back in the barn come Spring. (hay feeder sits on pallet base but is not fastened to it. Custom Pallet base has some raised braces that keep the feeder on the pallet through wind or the horses bumping / pushing it) Includes the pallet base $250 931-xxx-xxxx