Here is the latest craziness courtesy of the always entertaining Craigslist. I’ve always wanted a unicorn! Can I also put myself on the waiting list for a Pegasus? If you come across a hilarious Craigslist ad of a horse-themed nature, send the link to [email protected]. Go Craigslist.
2 Unicorns for sale. Must go together. – $925000 (Goffstown)
We are selling 2 purebred unicorns. Male is 3 years old named Pagasus. Female is 5 years old and named Daisy. Price of $930,000 USD is per unicorn.
Unicorns are hand fed from birth, and require just as much attention if you do decide to welcome a unicorn into your home.
We are the only fully licensed unicorn breeder in North America, and are NUBAA certified. Call now to be put on the waiting list, on which wait times start at 9 months out
We also offer unicorn eggs for purchase.