We are heartbroken to report that 19-year-old Caitlyn Fischer has died after a fall at fence two on the CCI* course at Sydney International Horse Trials while competing Ralphie, her 12-year-old Thoroughbred cross gelding.
Ralphie is in stable condition and under observation by veterinarians.
The event released the following statement:
Organisers of the Sydney International Horse Trials wish to advise the cancellation of all competitions due to a tragic accident.
It is with the deepest regret that we announce Miss Caitlyn Fischer suffered a fatal accident while competing at the Cross-Country competition of the Sydney International Horse Trials at 10:40am on Saturday 30 April 2016.
Caitlyn, aged 19 from Bairnsdale, Victoria, was riding the horse Ralphie in the one star competition when the accident occurred at fence two.
Caitlyn was provided urgent medical attention by the on-course paramedic and doctor but unfortunately was unable to be revived.
Caitlyn’s horse Ralphie is in a stable condition and remains under the observation of veterinarians.
Equestrian Australia Chairwoman Judy Fasher said, “On behalf of the whole sport I would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Caitlyn’s parents Ailsa Carr and Mark Fischer and her family. The thoughts and prayers of horse people all over the country are with Caitlyn’s family and friends at this sad time.”
Please be advised that Equestrian Australia Chairwoman Judy Fasher will address the media at 2pm today at the Sydney International Horse Trials – Saxony Road, Horsley Park. Please contact Equestrian Australia media contact Michelle Cook – 0414 702 697 upon arrival.

Photo used with permission from Main Event Photography.
Caitlyn began competing at the one-star level with Ralphie last year, completing five CIC* competitions. They most recently finished seventh in the CIC* at Equestriad Australia.
The EN team extends our deepest condolences to Caitlyn’s family, friends and acquaintances.