You know, there is nothing like a little winter weather to make you realize that your life as a horse person really ISN’T as glamorous as people think. All my cubicle friends say, wow, it’s so great that you work outside with animals on such beautiful farms all the time! I’m so jealous! Meanwhile I’m waking up seven days a week at 6:30 at the latest, half the year it’s pitch dark when my alarm hits, and I’m wearing 7-8 layers looking like the Michelin Man while my snot LITERALLY freezes INSIDE my nostrils while I do hours of grunt labor. Yeah guys, glamour galore!
National Holiday: No Interruptions Day (Last Day Of Work Of 2017!)
News From Around the Globe:
With the holiday season and the cold weather, it’s time to consider using an occasional bran mash in your horse’s nutrition. Mashes are a good way to get some extra hydration in your horse, as well as help their hindgut continue to move when it’s cold and they’re eating a lot of dry matter like hay. Horses tend to not drink as much when it’s chilly, and their consumption of grass goes down a lot in the winter, so a bran mash is frequently used alongside regular feeding programs to help them stay healthy. [How and Why to Use Bran Mashes]
While most of America thinks of only the glamour of the Kentucky Derby when it comes to racing, the rest of us know that most Thoroughbreds come from the Claiming category. Claiming races are the bread and butter of the sport, and their frequency is one of few things that hasn’t changed in the past decade. According to the Thoroughbred Times Racing Almanac, roughly 65.6 percent of races in America were either claiming or maiden claiming races in 2006. Crème de La Fete, John Henry, Lava Man, Seabiscuit, Stymie, Princequillo, and Charismatic all ran for a price at some point in their lives and went on to fame either because of their resumes or in spite of them. [Claimers: Examining the Business]
Scientists studying the equine genome are trying to find the genes responsible for making horses run faster and jump higher. Genetically engineered horses designed to be faster, stronger and better jumpers will be born in 2019 after a breakthrough by the same laboratory which clones polo ponies. Scientists from Argentina are focused on boosting the myostatin gene sequence which is crucial to muscle development, endurance and speed. [Scientists Crack Equine Genome]