Can’t resist a throwback. Photo by Jenni Autry.
In the grand scheme of things, missing a competition isn’t really life changing. However, I’m not alone in saying that not being at Carolina International this year is a little sad, and not only because I’m missing seeing friends like EN alumni Leslie Threlkeld and Jenni Autry dressed up like ’80s maniacs. Here’s hoping we can come out of this pandemic stronger and smarter than ever.
National Holiday: National Ravioli Day
News From Around the Globe:
If you find yourself losing track of what events have been canceled, check out EN’s updated list here. You can view all of our content related to the COVID-19 outbreak here. Other pages to bookmark: the USEA’s rolling list of event cancellations and responses to COVID-19 and the USEF coronavirus resource hub.
What do you do when all your seasonal competition plans are delayed? Will Faudree is here to say, maybe it’s not the worst thing in the world. Here to tell you all that there are definitely cool and fun aspect of all this weird forced vacation. Use this pandemic shutdown to get your dressage scores down, develop a new hobby, and keep up relationships via FaceTime. [Faudree Finds the Silver Lining]
Ready for your new equestrian challenge? Check out the Gaucho Derby, run in stunning Patagonia and created by The Adventurists, who are the masterminds behind the Mongol Derby. On the 5th of March, 24 riders lined up for 10 days of riding over the most incredible terrain you’ll ever see, with extreme weather and extreme endurance riding. Don’t miss these insane photos. [Marie Griffis Wins Inaugural Gaucho Derby]
Horse people, we’ve been practicing social distancing for years. In this photo challenge, we prove our exceptional skills at keeping at least six feet apart from, well, almost everybody, even our horse friends. [Social Distancing On Horseback]
Featured Video: In lieu of this year’s event, let’s take a #FlashbackFriday romp around Carolina International 2019 with Doug Payne and Vandiver!