Friday News & Notes Presented by Stable View

How are we all doing today, campers? Feeling full to the point of swearing off food forever? Ready to change your phone number and not tell anyone in your family? It’s fine. This is a safe space. Let’s just do some therapeutic horsing today.


US Weekend Preview:

Pine Top Thanksgiving H.T. (Thompson, GA): [Website] [Live Scoring]

News From Around the Globe:

‘Controlled chaos’ is a concept I can absolutely identify with, and it’s how OBGYN Dr Kathleen Bertuna describes balancing her job, her family, and her FEI ambitions. Find out how she gets it done here.

Didn’t manage to get your paws on Paris tickets? Great news: 400,000 more will be released for sale soon. Here’s the scoop on how to get them.

Move aside, Eric Lamaze: Andreas Helgstrand is equestrian sport’s new boss-level bad guy. An undercover journalist posing as a groom filmed huge amounts of footage showing human and equine welfare abuses, and now, the subsequent documentary, which has aired in Denmark, is sending shockwaves across the industry — and beyond.

The change in temperatures can increase the risk of laminitis. That’s because when frosty weather hits, plants begin to store more sugars — and so whether your horse is lami-prone or not, it’s well worth keeping an eye on his nutritional intake.

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