Jonty Evans and Cooley Rorkes Drift. Photo by Tilly Berendt.
Even with all the excitement of Aachen and Rebecca Farm (and the NAYC, of course!), there’s been one thing on every member of the eventing communities lips today — Jonty Evans has woken up, at long, long last, and we couldn’t be happier to welcome him back.
There are only a finite number of words in the English language, and none of them come quite close enough to touching upon what it is to lose — however temporarily — a person you care about. For our sprawling eventing family, Jonty is a special sort of figurehead; he has been a true friend to many, a source of support and advice to as many more, and a way into the heart of the sport for several thousand people, who have found themselves welcomed into the inner circle by this incredibly special man.
The last month and a half has been rather like riding a rollercoaster in the dark, sans seatbelt, and I think I can speak for us all when I say that the relief of hearing that Jonty is through the hardest and most uncertain part of the battle is incomprehensibly great.
You have all shown your support so incredibly over the past weeks, with seas of green as far as the eye can see, out eventing and beyond. Let’s continue this support now, and show Jonty just how much we care. There’s a long fight ahead, but with our troops behind him, he will never stand along on the frontline.
UK Weekend Preview:
Aston-le-Walls (3) [Ride Times] [Cross Country Videos]
Little Downham (2) [Ride Times] [Cross Country Videos]
Warwick Hall (3) [Website] [Ride Times]
Launceston [Ride Times]
Events Opening This Weekend:
20th: Keysoe (3) – BE80-I, with 4/5yo classes – [Enter] Bedfordshire (August 24-26)
20th: Shelford Manor (2) – BE90-N, with 4yo classes and Regional Finals – [Enter] Nottinghamshire (August 25-26)*
20th: Treborough Hill (2) – BE80-N, with 4/5yo classes – [Enter] Somerset (August 25-26)
21st: Wellington – BE100-A, with 5yo classes – [Enter] Hampshire (August 25-27)
Events Balloting This Weekend:
21st: Bold Heath – BE80-N, with 4/5yo classes – [Enter] Cheshire (August 11-12)
21st: Dalkeith (2) – BE80-I – [Enter] Edinburgh (August 11-12)
Friday Video:
To celebrate the first huge hurdle overcome in Jonty’s recovery, our Friday video this week is this compilation, put together by the donor group Art’s Amazing Family, and part-owner of Cooley Rorkes Drift, Fred Moss. While their Badminton may not have gone to plan, for the extensive family surrounding one man and his horse, just to be there was an incredibly emotive experience. The Family, both within the donor group, and the wider eventing community, will be behind you every step of the way, Jonty — just as we were last year. Keep kicking on.