Friday Video from SmartPak: No, Really, This Time It’s Actually Called Horse Ballet

Good evening, fine folks, and a happy tail-end to 2021, another thoroughly weird trip around the sun. I suspect I’m writing to a diminished audience right now as many of you head out into the real world to usher in 2022 (2020…too?) with a bit of pomp and circumstance. But if you’re giving going out-out a miss this year, you might fancy something to watch that allows you to steadily slip deeper and deeper into a cozy red wine torpor, all while feeling a bit cultured at the same time.

Enter this delightful ‘horse ballet’, set to the Mozart cantata “David Penitente” and performed in the most remarkable venue in Salzburg, Austria. I’m not sure what I find more captivating — the grace and precision of these highly-trained horses, or the fact that the orchestra is on display like a candy store window, but what I do know if that the whole thing is so hypnotic I might miss the big countdown. In case I do, I’ll say it now: a very happy New Year to you all. I can’t wait for the adventures we’ll go on together next season.