Friday Video from World Equestrian Brands: The Ups, Downs and Soggy Breeches of the ERM

Work hard, play hard! Photo courtesy of Event Rider Masters.

High-stakes cross-country, the chance to make judgment calls about your favourite rider’s taste in music, and a jolly good soaking with a few bottles of Pol Roger: it’s what eventing’s all about, really, right?

The team behind the Event Rider Masters series isĀ gearing up for itsĀ third year of cutting-edge technology and bonkers, brilliant broadcasts. To whet your appetite, they’ve released this montage of some of the best thrills and spills (and a champagne-soaked Tom Carlile) from the 2017 season — somehow, they’ve managed to make eating dirt look quite cool, which fills me with hope for my own competition season. It’s amazing what a good soundtrack can do.

Thomas Carlile and Upsilon at the Barbury leg of the 2017 ERM. Photo courtesy of Clarke.

If three and a half minutes isn’t quite enough to fill the coffers, clear your diary and click through to the ERM YouTube channel, where you can find all the original live broadcasts in their glory. Just don’t expect to get any work done for a very long time. You. Are. Welcome.