With the dawn of the New Year comes a new way to practice our fancy prancing – even for those of us stuck indoors in colder climates! is a brand new, innovative way for event and dressage riders in the U.S. and Canada to get professional feedback on their tests without breaking the bank or even leaving their home arena.
“Shows” are held at the end of each month – simply choose your test, ride and video it, and send it in with your entry. Your test will be scored and you’ll receive feedback from ‘r’ judges plus you’ll be in the running for ribbons and year-end prizes! Check it out!
National Holiday: National Rubber Ducky Day
U.S. Weekend Action:
Stable View Aiken Opener H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Results]
Saturday Links:
Camarero, San Luis Rey Responders to Receive Special Eclipse Award
PODCAST: Erin Sylvester: 2017 Rebecca Broussard International Developing Rider Grant Winner
Zara Tindall On Four Key Figures That Helped Her Reach the Top of the Sport
Kicking Off the 2018 Season With Great Britain’s Emily King
10 Retired Racehorse Resources on
Saturday Video: Speaking of Zara Tindell…
The Queen Takes Her Grandchildren Riding – 1992
Posted by NRM Horseboxes on Saturday, March 25, 2017