Monday News & Notes from FutureTrack

Nobody wanted to start March – the month that marks the one-year anniversary of lockdown – with a heartbreaking announcement, but that’s what happened when we awoke to the news that Badminton Horse Trials has been cancelled for 2021. We’re devastated for the hard-working team and the competitors who had planned a trip to Gloucestershire this year – roll on 2022 (she said, for the fiftieth time this year).

National Holiday: It’s National Horse Protection Day, so consider buying your favourite four-legged chaos agent a suit of armour from Wish.

US Weekend Results:

Pine Top Advanced H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]

Three Lakes Winter II H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]

Twin Rivers Winter H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status/ Ride Times/Live Scores]

Global Eventing Round-Up:

Italy’s Montelibretti took place over the weekend, hosting classes from CCI1* through CCI3*-L. The Netherlands’ Sanne de Jong took the top class with the 12-year-old KWPN mare Enjoy – check out snippets from their cross-country round above.

Your Monday Reading List:

Liz Halliday-Sharp is one of US eventing’s brightest stars – but she owes much of her success to the time she spent in the UK. More specifically, the time she spent working for William Fox-Pitt and learning her craft from the ground up. [Memories of learning from William Fox-Pitt: ‘I was pretty wet behind the ears – but I got to ride Ballincoola and Tamarillo’]

Brexit chaos continues on apace, with UK-based showjumping pros considering a move to continental Europe to mitigate the damage. One of the major players in this decision? The new limit of 90 days spent in Europe per every 180 days. [‘90-Day’ Rule Causes Further Brexit Headaches for British Jumpers]

Speaking of showjumping, the sport is currently dealing with an EHV-1 outbreak in Valencia, the Spanish site of one of the major spring tours. Two horses have died and 72 horses are showing clinical signs of the virus, prompting fears of a continental outbreak. [The Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak in Valencia: “It Felt Like a War Zone”]

The racing world has been hit by a major controversy, after a Snapchat photo of trainer Gordon Elliott made its way to social media. The image, which features Elliott sitting atop a dead horse and flashing a V-sign at the camera, was believed to be a Photoshop job by many – until Elliott’s statement and apology were released today. [Gordon Elliott: Trainer says dead horse photo is real and apologises]

Is there any feeling better than that little flutter of excitement as you take your first step out of the start box? 14-year-old Tayah Fuller doesn’t think so – and she’s got a unique reason to know. [Now on Course: Heartbeats and Hoofbeats]

Donation Station:

Horses have been an important part of life for a swathe of Philadelphia residents for many years – but development, and the subsequent loss of viable space for stables, means that they’re being pushed out of the city. Now, Erin Brown – a graduate of Fletcher Street Stables and a prolific instructor in the city – is working to establish a permanent base for the Philadelphia Urban Riding Academy. PURA is working closely with the city, as well as with organisations including Concrete to Show Jumping, to raise funds and build a home and facilities for 20-25 horses. To read more about the organisation, its feature film debut, and the fundraiser, click here – or to head straight to the donation point, click here.

What I’m Listening To:

I’m not a huge TV person, admittedly, but I occasionally go in for a binge – and during lockdown, I’ve found it incredibly comforting to delve into rewatches. And so I’ve ended up deep into Sex and the City for the first time in years, despite the fact that it’s mostly aged appallingly and actually, none of the guys are really that cute (with some notable exceptions; Steve Brady, I will always love you). Never one to do things by halves, I was delighted to discover the brand new podcast Sentimental in the City, a series of long and giggly chats between journalists Carolyn O’Donoghue and Dolly Alderton. Each roughly two-hour episode focuses on a season of the show, with hot takes on feminism and the psychology of dating, as well as the absolutely essential outfit rankings, Carrie clangers, and Men of the Season. It’s all a part of Carolyn’s Sentimental Garbage podcast, which focuses on chick-lit, and it’s easily the most delightful hacking soundtrack you’ll hear this week.

 The FutureTrack Follow:

Glorious Sport is a new editorial site focusing on women’s sport through arts and culture – and we’re so into it. Give them a follow for a regular hit of pure inspiration on your Insta feed.

Morning Viewing:

A small handful of British-based riders have managed to escape to the sunny southern European showjumping tours, including Tim and Jonelle Price – and although her planned run at Badminton has been cancelled, isn’t 18-year-old former winner Classic Moet looking terrific?