Newsflash: Clipping Season is Upon Us

Karen Bayha's clip job from 2012 on "Henry Huggins"

Despite the fact that different areas of the United States are experiencing all of the separate seasons at the moment, one thing that unites us all is the fact that our horses are growing their fur out for winter. Some of us have the joy of owning the enviable thin coated slick horse that waits until December to poof up, and some of us have already body clipped our horses twice.

There’s nothing that says “horse person” quite as much as the sensation of a buzzing clipper in your hand for two hours straight, wearing a rain coat and rain pants inside the barn, and sneezing horse hair out of your nose for days. Did you hand lose a little bit of sensation for a while? Did your significant other find some black hair that wasn’t yours in your ears? Yep, it must be clipping season.

However, one of the joys of clipping season is that if you’re brave enough, you can let your creative juices flow. If you’re not headed to a fall 3-day, why not have a little fun with those blades and see what you can create? Embarrass the hell out of your horse!

I want to see your amazing, entertaining, beautiful and clever clipping creations. Send me a picture that shows off your artistry, and a little blurb explaining what its all about. Include the name of your horse, your name, and where you are from. Email them to me at [email protected]!

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