This post originally appeared on EN’s sister site, Horse Nation.
We’re one week into No-Stirrup November — and everyone knows that the first week is the hardest. How are those legs feeling?
(Sorry. You don’t have to answer that.)
Yeah yeah, we know. While we can’t help you with your physical pain, we can remind you that you’re not alone. All around the Horse Nation, masochists riders are collectively groaning, griping and — every now and again — giggling at their own expense. A few memes we’ve spotted floating around social media.
And then there are your hilarious Tweets.
I need bute after the lesson I just had #nostirrupnovember
— Becca F (@beccaaxbabeey) November 3, 2015
RIP my legs #nostirrupnovember — kryks (@kryketculotta) November 3, 2015
And the pain begins #NoStirrupNovember
— Mikayla Shipman (@mikayla_shipman) November 2, 2015
today is the first day of the worst month ever. #NoStirrupNovember — clark (@t0ocompliKATEd) November 2, 2015
“@bigamdiet:” my life #nostirrupsnovember
— Casey Rae (@Baze_JAY) November 18, 2014
Please keep me in your thoughts & prayers during this difficult time. #NoStirrupsNovember — Tessa Thomas (@_tessathomas) November 4, 2014
Gun emoji is really having a moment with the equestrian crowd right now.
it’s that time of year #NoStirrupNovember
— elizabeth donovan (@e_donovann) November 1, 2015
But mixed in with all the thigh ache induced belly-aching, there are words of encouragement…
It’s worth the work. #nostirrupnovember A photo posted by hoosierhorse (@hoosierhorse) on
…motivational gameplans…
…and, from countless photos of crossed stirrups…
#nostirrupsnovember is in progress. A photo posted by @spodrick on
…stirrups hung out of reach (are these seriously strung up from the rafters? diabolical!)…
…and stirrups apparently just left out to die…
#nostirrupsnovember #bodypain #gobigorgohome #ladymuscles #dressage A photo posted by Emily (@emyandcompany) on
…to videos of you guys making it look WAY too easy…
It’s only fair! #nostirrupsnovember #stagnarostables #feeltheburn A video posted by ndicorti (@ndicorti) on
…it’s clear that you guys are out there, putting the hard work in, and you better believe it’s going to pay off.
#nostirrupsnovember expectations… before and after
— Wannabe Equestrian (@EqWannabe) October 19, 2015
Well, THAT might be a stretch. And in your darkest moments, don’t forget: it could always be worse!
Junior Rider Ella Lucas taking #nostirrupsnovember to the extreme! Check out her first #blog at A photo posted by Harry Hall (@harry_hall_riding) on
Eventing Nation is giving away a beautiful pair of calfskin stirrup leathers from Total Saddle Fit to the reader who most creatively illustrates their No Stirrup November pain. Check out the full contest details here.
If you can’t wait until next week to gripe, complain or vent about your stirrup-less existence, check out Horse Nation’s support thread on the forums here.
Feel the burn, Eventing Nation. Go Riding (without stirrups!)