Saturday Links from Tipperary

Photo via EquiRatings.

I know it’s not Friday anymore, but I still can’t help sharing the above infographic that EquiRatings posted yesterday. Stop and think about that for a second — 1 in 107.5 trillion. That’s pretty nuts. For reference, your odds of winning the Powerball are only 1 in 175 million. Everyone’s calling Tom Brady the GOAT, but I think that title actually belongs to MJ. I’m allowed to say that, because I’m from New England.

National Holiday: National Carrot Cake Day (Favorite holiday of horses everywhere, possibly.)

U.S. Weekend Action:

Three Lakes H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Results]

Sporting Days H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Live Results]

Galway Downs Winter H.T. [Website] [Entry Status/Ride Times/Live Results]

Saturday Links:

Outcry over rider’s dressage test: US Equestrian responds

Bonnie Kibbie: USEA’s Volunteer of the Month Presented by Athletux

Behind The Photo: Who Needs Wings When You’ve Got Springs For Feet?

British eventer pays tribute to homebred ‘horse of a lifetime’

Behavior Problems in Mares: Ovaries Aren’t Always to Blame

FEI president looks likely to be re-elected, even without a huge Twitter following

Best of Blogs: Laminitis research: Feeding a high starch diet can influence PPID (Equine Cushings Disease) test results

Saturday Video: