DOC gives Michael Pollard some tips during a dressage school. Photo via Alison Willaby's Facebook page.
Good morning! By the time you are reading this, I probably will have already been awake for a couple of hours watching Pau cross country go-rounds. Or at least, I would like to think that I will be able to wake up (and stay awake) to catch at least a few rides. There’s just something about seeing things live – maybe it’s my constant need for instant gratification that drives me, I’m sure you struggle with that as well! I would also like to send a whole lot of EN well wishes to Boyd Martin, who broke his arm on Thursday. He posted on Facebook on Friday afternoon saying that he had successfully made it out of surgery.
Although there isn’t a ton of terrain on the Pau cross country course, the questions still look every bit of a CCI**** and are sure to ride just as difficult as they look. Best of luck to all combinations heading out on course today!
Pau Links: [Website] [Dressage Times] [Live Scores] [Course Preview]
Events This Weekend:
Waredaca H.T. and Classic Training 3 Day Event [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Chattahoochee Hills H.T. [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Holly Hill Fall H.T. [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Heritage Park H.T. [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
MCTA Jenny Camp [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Saturday Links:
This spring Tipperary Equestrian launched the GOT PINK Breast Cancer campaign in partnership with the Women’s College Hospital Foundation. Until October 31, 2013 Tipperary will donate 5% of each Tipperary Pink Sportage 8500 and Pink Eventer 1015 sold to the Women’s College Breast Cancer Research Program.
Daniel Clasing is currently scheduling clinics for the fall and winter. If you are interested in participating in or hosting a clinic with a skilled 4-star rider, you can email Daniel at [email protected] or call him at 410-456-6635. [Daniel Clasing Eventing]
The 2014 Palm Beach Dressage Derby has been cancelled.
Have you ever wondered what a $4800.00 jump looks like?
Rolex tickets go on sale November 1.
Bookworm like me? Check out this preview of “Saving Baby.”
Check out the 2013 Laminitis Conference.
Ecogold is giving away 2 tickets to William Fox Pitt’s US clinic.
Saturday Video:
Halloween is coming up this week. Have you gotten your horse’s costume put together yet? Here’s some inspiration (and education!) if you’re going for the skeleton angle.