You’ve all seen it by now: hordes upon hordes of equestrians the world over snapping a photo of themselves “minding their melon” thanks to a genius campaign started by Evention TV. Helmet awareness is a hot topic these days, as it should be, and smart, relevant campaigns such as #mindyourmelon are just the ticket to raising awareness.
Just how big of a wave is this movement making, you ask? Well, let’s check out a few examples. A quick search for “#mindyourmelon” on various social media platforms yields countless results.
Facebook is positively booming with the quirky hashtag, which even has your EN writers jumping onboard! The challenge is still issued by Jenni to have a snapshot of the entire EN staff minding their melons. John, I know you’re afraid of cameras, but perhaps you could humor us this one time!
Even doing a quick Google search reveals literally thousands of results. Now, I do realize that all 40,000 of these are likely not directly #mindyourmelon related, but Google does know everything.
And if you still aren’t convinced to jump on the melon bandwagon, perhaps you could do with a little bit of Chinch persuasion. Trust me, if Chinch is doing it, it’s definitely the cool thing to do. [Editor’s note: We are aware of the fact that Chinch’s helmet appears to fit him incorrectly. Steps are being taken to rectify this situation, but in the meantime he would still rather be safe than sorry!]

Chinch says “Do the right thing!”
If you’re searching for a new or replacement helmet, never fear because Helmet Awareness Day is coming soon. The date is yet to be announced, but many helmet manufacturers are jumping on board to support Helmet Awareness Day, which often equates with sales on helmets. As soon as the chinchillas get word of the date, we will let you know.
Just for kicks, here is the Evention TV video for your viewing pleasure. And remember, kids: #mindyourmelon!