Photo by Boyd Martin.
After many months of complaining about the hot hot heat, now we can complain about crazy amounts of rain! If your horse isn’t a fan of dressage, maybe they might like synchronized swimming? If you’re interested in giving it a try, just call up Boyd Martin he can hook you up with a dressage arena sized swimming pool.
National Holiday: National Root Beer Float Day
U.S. Weekend Preview:
The Summer Event at Woodside: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times]
IEA Horse Trials: [Website] [Entry Status/Ride Times]
GMHA Festival of Eventing HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
Otter Creek HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
Fair Hill International HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
Spring Gulch HT: [Website] [Ride Times]
WindRidge Farms Summer HT: [Website]
News From Around the Globe:
Due to increased concern over public safety resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, EQUITANA USA’s live three-day celebration of the horse is canceled for 2020. The world’s largest equestrian trade fair and expo was originally scheduled for Sept. 25-27, at the Kentucky Horse Park. The event and its exhibitors, fans and performers will look forward to the 2021 event, slated for Oct. 1-3, at the Kentucky Horse Park year’s celebration and work to create an amazing reunion for everyone in 2021. All tickets will be refunded. [Equitana Rescheduled for 2021]
Back in the show ring but maybe a little rusty? Get some advice from Grand Prix show jumper Sloane Coles on how to get your show jumping warmup working like a well-oiled machine. While she admits that her warmup is pretty consistent and “boring”, it shows results in the relaxation of her horses and her students. [Warm Up with Sloane Coles]
Inspiration of the Day: Orphan Foal to USDF Horse of the Year
Best of Blogs: Quarantine Reminded Me It’s OK To Take A Break
Listen: EN’s own Leslie Wylie is the guest on this week’s Big League Eventing podcast