Well, last week was a real doozy here with a straight up TORNADO ripping through my area of Virginia, resulting in huge trees all over my farm ripped up by the roots, fences down, power lines down in the fields, and no power for days. A handful of miles down the road, they also got a huge hail storm in addition to the tornado, so I guess I kinda lucked out? But a handful of miles the other way and all they got was a rain shower. My horses were pissed because of lack of turnout for days due to, you know, live wires down in the fields. Hard to explain to them about getting electrocuted. PS please enjoy this photo of a cow wearing a branch post-tornado and also licking my horse.
National Holiday: National Filet Mignon Day
U.S. Weekend Preview
Full Gallop Farm H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status]
Genesee Valley Riding and Driving Club H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status]
Ocala Summer H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times]
Waredaca Farm H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status]
News From Around the Globe:
Have you been reading the essays of the Nation Media Diversity Scholarship? Not only do these riders have incredible experiences and perspectives, there are many ways in which we can take action to create a better industry for all who participate. We’ve included, at the bottom of each essay, ideas and ways for each of us to get involved. You can catch up on the essays by clicking here – and stay tuned for much more to come right here on the Nation Media family of websites.
We bade farewell to an incredible horse last week, as Clare Lewis’ Sidnificant was put down at the age of 21. Sid boasted an incredible 100% completion rate for all nine of his five-star starts, with 3 Badmintons and 6 Burghleys in a row. Clare found the horse as an unbroke 2-year-old, and wasn’t able to sell him because he wouldn’t pass a vetting, but he ended up as her horse of a lifetime. [Sidnificant]
Any eventers out there looking forward to the start of hunting season? With fox hunting starting up across the country in just a few weeks, it’s time to dig out your old tweed jacket and make sure you’ve got everything in line. [8 Essentials for Hunting Season]
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