Wednesday Video from Kentucky Performance Products: Eventing in the Time of Coronavirus

I think I can fairly confidently speak for everyone when I say we’re all so pleased to be back out eventing – but that doesn’t mean we don’t notice the weirdness of the new normal. Like, for example, the temperature checks. I think I’ve had my temperature taken every way under the sun by now — wrist, forehead, basically every way except the, um, equine way — and I still feel a little frisson of fear JUST in case I’ve got a bit of a sweat on and I end up getting swept away by men in hazmat suits. Dramatic? Maybe. But at least I’m emotionally prepared for any situation.

Anyway, trust vlogging superhero Elisa Wallace to find a way to document the madness, giving those of us back out and about a knowing giggle and helping eventers waiting out the storm to feel like they’re part of the action. Settle in and join her as she tackles Poplar Place — now with added New Normal.

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