Hello and welcome to Thursday!! I know I’m always inordinately excited about Thursdays, but they just make me that much more enthralled with the prospects for the weekend. Whether you spend the day at work fantasizing about the hour you get to leave the office and go to your barn, or you spend the day on the back of a horse fantasizing about that beer waiting in your fridge, Thursday brings a whole lot of excitement along with it. It’s basically no longer a week-day, because as 3-Day Eventers, we recognize Friday as part of the weekend, and Thursday is for packing, so obviously this makes sense. Logic: it’s my strong point. Anyway…..
Events This Weekend:
Middleburg HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
Colorado Horse Park HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
Meadow Creek HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
Jump Start HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
University of New Hampshire HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
Flora Lea HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
Tryon HT: [Website] [Entry Status]
The best news of the day is that Caitlin Silliman is in stable condition after her rough fall from a young horse on Tuesday. She sustained a skull fracture through her helmet, but Boyd & Silva report that there is a good prognosis for positive recovery. We are sending as many buckets of EN Karma her way as we can, and I’ve sent the chinchillas to go pick up some chocolates and some trashy magazines for her hospital stay. [Update on Caitlin]
Didn’t get in to Morven because it’s positively jam-packed and over crowded? ESDCTA wants to remind folks that they still have open slots for the same weekend. A lovely event run at the Jersey Horse Park is going the same weekend (next weekend) as Morven, and you can still re-route! [ESDCTA Needs Entries]
An interview with William Fox Pitt. Do I really have to write more stuff here? Seriously. It’s WFP, like you’re NOT going to read it?? [WFP Rules The Eventing Lands]
Need a really awesome job for a super company? Really into horse food and have a uniquely outgoing personality? Cavalor is looking to hire a sales rep in California, please send your resume to [email protected] if you are interested!
Some scientists did research to confirm what we already knew: not all horses suit all disciplines. A psychological study conducted by BMC Veterinary Research explores issues surrounding training, competition environment and practices, and how the psychology of horse mood, emotion and temperament can be used to enhance performance. The importance of matching the horse’s temperament to it’s discipline was stressed, and I quote: “flightiness can be good for racing but detrimental for dressage”. Well, duh. [Psychological Factors of Horse Performance Probed]
A dinner with Yogi Breisner and all my eventing celebrities, you say?? Sign me up! Too bad I won’t be in London on the 17th of November to hang out with Yogi, Mark Todd, Sam Griffiths and Lucinda Fredericks to celebrate Express Eventing…..or will I?? [Express Eventing Gala]
Bull Riding photos are up from Plantation Field. That is all. [Bull Riding Photos]
C Square Farm & Courtney Cooper are offering Adult Riders Equine Seminars. Looking to learn about horses and have fun? Do you already own a horse but want to expand your knowledge? Or do you have a child who rides and you want to understand better what they are talking about? [Adult Riders Seminar]
Best of Blogs: Valerie V loves Plantation.
Thanks to Schramm Equestrian and Evention for this video on good Polo wrapping technique!