Jump X Extreme is a new show series in Ocala that integrates show jumping fences with cross country terrain. Fredericks Equestrian International and Exmoor Eventing are putting on this exciting new event, and there are still events coming up in preparation for a championship at the end of the winter season.
The time from both rounds is added together and the rider with the fastest combined time wins. Prize money will be awarded from 1st to 3rd place sharing a minimum of 20% of the entry fees. The remaining events in this show series will be held at 850 NE 110th Street, Ocala, FL 34479 on Feb. 26, Mar. 12 and Mar 26. Sign up at www.evententries.com. Entry fee is $100 for two jumping rounds.
Many thanks to Pamela Nunn for sending over this video. Have you attended or participated in a Jump X Extreme class this year? If so, we want to hear about it! You can tip us by emailing [email protected].