Thursday Video: The Madden Method of Stall Cleaning

Even all of us here in our eventing corner of the world are familiar with show jumping legend Beezie Madden. Running one of the busiest and most successful show barns in North America requires a high level of attention to detail — and this is a duty that Becky Huestis takes seriously. In the latest “Madden Method” video, Becky takes us behind the scenes at the Madden home facility in Cazenovia, Ny. Here are some top takeaways from behind the scenes at the Madden home base:

  • Water buckets are favored over automatic waterers
  • Feed buckets are fastened at the back corner to give caretakers an additional opportunity to walk into the stall to check on each horse
  • Straw is used in lieu of shavings or sawdust
  • It’s bad luck to put picks and shovels away dirty!
  • Shavings underneath the straw in areas where a horse uses the bathroom in the same spot can help absorb wet spots
  • Using straw helps save on plastic
  • Use your broom to do a quick cobweb and dust sweep after you clean the stall #multitasking
  • “Remember, if it’s not comfortable for you, it’s probably not comfortable for them.” – wise words from Becky

Want more Madden Method videos? Check out the main YouTube page for many more helpful tips!