Tuesdays are great days, to me. It’s one of my only days that I get all to myself and my horses. I’m celebrating by going cross country schooling with the doofus above, who as of last week, has been mine for a whole year! I brought him home last year as a skinny rogue, and he has transformed into a giant beast of a cross country monster! He has discovered a deep love for “galloping” (which is really just cantering faster than normal for him) and truly enjoys jumping exercises now. I think he just didn’t want to be a boring old dressage horse, that’s why he rebelled. And who can blame him? Eventing is way more fun.
Events Opening Today:
Event at Rebecca Farm (MT, A-7)
Horse Park of New Jersey Horse Trials II (NJ, A-2)
Stoneleigh-Burnham Summer H.T (MA, A-1)
Cobblestone Farms H.T. (MI, A-8)
Valinor Farm Summer Horse Trials (MA, A-1)
Silverwood Farm Summer H.T. (WI, A-4)
Rocky Mountain Horse Trials (CO, A-9)
River Glen Summer H.T. (TN, A-3)
Catalpa Corner Charity Horse Trial (IA, A-4)
Millbrook H.T. (NY, A-1)
Olney Farm H.T. (MD, A-2)
Events Closing Today:
Chattahoochee Hills H.T. (GA, A-3)
South Farm H.T. (OH, A-8)
Coconino Classic 3-Day Event & H.T. (AZ, A-10)
News From Around The Globe:
Advocacy groups are trying to achieve endangered status for Mustangs roaming in the U.S., in order to better protect their herds. They want to list North American wild horses residing on public lands as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA); the act provides for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals as well as the habitats in which they are found. [FOA Petitions Wildlife Service]
Mark down July 5th on your calendars, and then go fill out this entry for JUMP at Sharon White’s Last Frontier Farm. It’s always a riotous good time, and the courses are great. A combination between show jumps and cross country jumps, they offer divisions from Elementary to Preliminary! Plus, your entry goes directly to funding Sharon in her efforts to take Wundermaske and Under Suspection across the pond to get some very important European exposure in the fall. [Enter JUMP Here]
Need a super last minute event entry?? Look no further than Surefire Farm HT! It’s this weekend, and it hosts Beginner Novice through Intermediate, and is always a super high class event. Mary Coldren, organizer extraordinaire, is offering late entries for only $50 extra late fee! If you need to fill your calendar, this is the one you’re looking for. Plus, I’ll be there riding my gigantosaurus, and if you find me, I’ll have a special EN treat for you. [Email Mary for Surefire Entry]
When do you know when to start feeding senior feed? Sometimes our senior partners are still in full time work, competing at high levels, and don’t really look like the grey out-to-pasture types that are depicted on senior feed bags. If you think your horse is showing other signs of aging, like keeping their winter coats too long, or losing muscle mass, it might be time to switch to senior feed. [Cavalor Feed For Thought: Senior Horses]
For those of you who are ridiculously better at planning than the rest of us, the Fall Event at Ocala Horse Properties is now slated for November 15th and 16th. This will be the first in a series of Winter Competitions for those of us lucky enough to escape the cold northern weather. [Ocala Fall Event]
Check out Steffan Peters kicking butt at the Dressage Festival of Champions in the Freestyle.