Volunteers in training at Red Hills. Photo via Red Hills on Facebook.
It’s that time of the week again! Events are run on the power and goodwill of volunteers, and especially this year with no spectators to pull from on-site, it’s particularly essential to have volunteer sign-ups done ahead of time. Each Thursday, we provide a list of still-open volunteer positions at each event happening over the weekend. Get out and enjoy the warming weather and help out your local event this weekend!
We’ve compiled some resources on volunteering with COVID-19 regulations in mind. We’ll reference this list each week in Volunteer Nation, so take a few moments to familiarize yourself with what’s new and different.
COVID-19 Resources for Eventers
Volunteers Adapt to the New Normal
Volunteers Weigh In on New COVID-19 Protocols
As always, you can earn merit points when you donate your time through the USEA’s Volunteer Incentive Program. Registering to volunteer through EventingVolunteers.com makes it easy and seamless to both find a job and shift as well as learn what your role will entail.
Event: Copper Meadows H.T.
Dates: Thursday, March 11 through Sunday, March 14
Address: 633 Montecito Way, Ramona, CA, 92067
Positions Available: Office Help, Dressage Bit Check, Dressage Score Runner, Dressage Scribe, Dressage Steward, Event Prep – General, Hospitality Helper, XC Cart Runner, XC Control Assistant, XC Finish Timer, XC Jump Judge, XC Score Runner, XC Start Timer, XC Steward, SJ Score Runner, SJ Scribe, SJ Steward
Event: Full Gallop Farm March II H.T.
Dates: Sunday, March 14
Address: 3828 Wagener Rd, Aiken, SC, 29805
Positions Available: XC Finish Timer, XC Jump Judge, XC Warm-up, Dressage Bit Check, Dressage Scribe, Dressage Steward, Hospitality Helper, Floater, SJ In-Gate, SJ Jump Crew, SJ Steward
Event: MeadowCreek Park Spring Social Event
Dates: Friday, March 12 through Sunday, March 14
Address: 1342 Hwy. 14 , Kosse, TX, 76653
Positions Available: Event Prep – General, Parking Steward, Dressage Bit Check, Dressage Scribe, Dressage Warm-up, SJ Jump Crew, XC Jump Judge
Event: Red Hills International H.T.
Dates: Friday, March 12 through Sunday, March 14
Address: 4000 N Meridian Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32312
Positions Available: See Volunteer Overview info here.