With no Bromont cross country live stream to savor with our morning coffee, those of us following the event from afar are left to use our imaginations. How quaint and old-fashioned! Fortunately, we’ve got Jenni Autry’s play-by-play live updates to keep us in the loop, and some great course previews to set the scene.
Enjoy a swift flyover of Derek di Grazia’s challenging, 5,700-meter CCI4*-L track:
Alternately, take a slow stroll via this virtual course walk courtesy of CrossCountry App. Many thanks to Clayton Fredericks for the recording — he also posted the CCI3*-L course here.
Here’s wishing everyone a safe, swift ride. Go Eventing!
#BromontCCI: Website, Entries, Schedule, Start Times, Live Scores, EN’s Coverage, EN’s Twitter, EN’s Instagram