To the horse people of New England:
We should be proud of one another and grateful to be part of such a fine community.
Mother had a saying that difficult times show you your blessings. It has been a difficult winter for horse people — more difficult than many have ever known. For those who are horse and livestock caregivers, it has been a nightmare.
But through it all, our community has been strong.
The past few days, our community has experienced the horror and tragedy of barn collapses and winter accidents, horses have been lost, a horse rescued from a 10-foot drift and loose horses running down a highway, but our community has shown its strength, resiliency, compassion and empathy.
No call for help went unanswered. No displaced equine was left without shelter or care. People offered their transport, their barns, their blankets and feed. They cared about strangers in their time of need and went to their assistance.
We are a unique community of extraordinary people and should be proud. We are the strong, the caring and downright bad asses when things go wrong to make them right.
We are the horse people of New England. We stand together in times of trouble. We should be proud of one another and grateful to be part of such a fine community.