Wednesday Video from Kentucky Performance Products: The Ghost of Kentucky Past, Present, and Still to Come

As I write this, we’ve just received news that the Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event will go forward after a massive outpour of donations over the last few days. While the process has been divisive in many ways – there are plenty of wholly valid questions circulating about whose responsibility the initial cancellation fell under, how the figure named will be used, and the apparent lack of financial support levied by USEF – one sentiment is universal: we all love our pioneering American five-star, and we all want to see it go from strength to strength.

It feels redundant to type the words ‘eventing is at a crossroads’ yet again, because it feels like I – and my colleagues and friends throughout the wider world of equestrian media – have done so innumerable times before. The past week has made it apparent that our industry needs increased transparency and more robust support systems to keep it afloat, and in the wake of Kentucky 2021, whatever may happen, these open discussions should be nurtured and taken into account. But in the meantime, in the midst of this whirlwind, I want to take a minute to reminisce about how special Kentucky has been, and to daydream about the extraordinary stories that will flourish in its grounds for many years to come.

Go Eventing.

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