Saturday Video: Dakota The Super Pony is Back!

You may remember the a certain darling pony from her impromptu catch ride for Mark Todd last fall. To jog your memory…

The stunning 12hh Dartmoor cross is named Dakota, and she is loved by a young girl named Millie who is a quite talented rider herself!

Dakota made the rounds on social media last fall, becoming an instant sensation, and now she’s back with a new rider in tow – none other that Pippa Funnell. Pippa took a spin on the handy pony following a demo clinic in Aberdeen, UK.

“A lot of fun was had including riding Millie Lawson’s little Dakota. What a lovely lovely pony. A true school mistress putting up with amateurs such as Sir Mark Todd and myself. She was 11.2 but after my weight she is now a Shetland.
Thank you Millie,” Pippa shared on her Facebook page.

A pony clearly worth her weight in gold.

Go Dakota.