The struggle is real, y’all. Here’s an extra-deluxe edition of #EventerProblems to help you feel less alone in your pain.
If you missed them: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI.
Monday’s are hard… When Lesson students come with backward half chaps! #eventerproblems #teamMLEC
— Lindsey Howland (@lindseyjhowland) July 6, 2015
Watching your tan wash away in the shower… #eventerproblems
— SitUpLegOn (@SitUpLegOn) July 3, 2015
Major #EventerProblems is cleaning your tack when getting ready for an event. SO MUCH STUFF TO CLEAN.
— Just Ride It (@horsesarehorses) July 3, 2015
You know it’s a good day when you get to sleep in until 630! #eventerproblems
— Lindsey Howland (@lindseyjhowland) July 3, 2015
When your horse remembers that last time you made him school dressage, it was pouring. #EventerProblems
— Carolyn Drover (@cdeventing) July 3, 2015
When you sprain your ankle from falling off and use a super vibrant coloured vet wrap as support. #noonequestionsyou #EventerProblems
— Britney H (@HaloAboveMe) June 29, 2015
Rocking hella bruises on my legs from riding all but one horse in a jump saddle and my dressage boots #eventerproblems #wherearemyjumpboots
— Tess Lesesne (@donTESS_me) July 1, 2015
Non horse friends invite you for impromptu dinner and Im covered in sweat dirt and slobber. Uh sorry? #eventerproblems
— Molly Bennett (@FloridaEventer) July 2, 2015
Wearing a dress to work today.. Hope my colleagues have their sunnies! #EventerProblems #WhiteLegs
— Kellie Fisher (@KF_Eventing) June 30, 2015
Most girls//me #eventerproblems
— Annie Groner (@anniegroner) July 2, 2015
When the first thing you do when you get a new saddle pad is cut off the billet straps #youareuselesstome #eventerproblems
— Maura Gorman (@_mairgo) July 3, 2015
#TweetSomethingYouGetAlot #eventerproblems “you ride horses?! I rode a horse once!!”
— Annie Groner (@anniegroner) July 2, 2015
Had the most expensive manicure of my life today & it’s Fri night, figured I’d go out w/ my main man #EventerProblems
— Jenna (@JennaNikki126) June 27, 2015
When you sprain your ankle from falling off and use a super vibrant coloured vet wrap as support. #noonequestionsyou #EventerProblems
— Britney H (@HaloAboveMe) June 29, 2015
A photo posted by Tasia (@corgibutt401) on
When organic carrots are on sale. #eventerproblems
A photo posted by Maggie Forcier (@me.forcier) on
A photo posted by Katie (@theekatie) on
A photo posted by cyndilouwho2 (@cyndilouwho2) on
A photo posted by Tasia (@corgibutt401) on
What’s YOUR problem? Tweet it, Instagram it or share it on Facebook with the hashtag #EventerProblems for inclusion in the next edition of this series.
Go Eventing!