Allison Springer and Arthur. Photo by Jenni Autry.
You all remember that time that Allison Springer showed up at Kentucky, and trotted down the center line with a helmet instead of a top hat? Everybody really freaked out, but now look at us! Effective January 1st of this year, every single FEI rider will be wearing a helmet in dressage thanks to a new rule.
Article 140 – Protection of Athletes and Participating Support Personnel
“While riding anywhere on the show grounds, and for Driving Athletes and Grooms in the Marathon phase, the use of a properly fastened Protective Headgear is mandatory. The applicable Sports Rules may provide for an exception to this rule by permitting Athletes to remove their Protective Headgear while accepting prizes, during the playing of the National Anthem and any other ceremonial protocol. Failure to wear such Protective Headgear where and when required shall result in a Yellow Warning Card, being issued to the Athlete or Participating Support Personnel (as applicable) unless exceptional circumstances apply. The use of cameras on Athletes or Participating Support Personnel (as applicable) or equipment (such as on Protective Headgear, head covering or carriage) shall not be permitted, unless otherwise specifically agreed by the FEI. An Athlete’s decision to wear a camera while competing shall always be voluntary and at their own risk.”
U.S. Weekend Preview:
Red Hills International H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Show Photographer] [Volunteer] [EHV-1 Precautions]
Copper Meadows H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status/Ride Times] [EHV-1 Precautions] [Volunteer]
Full Gallop Farm H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Volunteer]
MeadowCreek Park Spring Social Event: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Volunteer] [Show Photographer]
News From Around the Globe:
The first FEI competition of the 2021 U.S. eventing season is upon us at Elinor Klapp Phipps Park in Tallahassee Florida at the 23rd annual Red Hills International Horse Trials. As in years past, the event will offer CCI2*-S, CCI3*-S, and CCI4*-S international divisions and Preliminary, Intermediate, and Advanced horse trials divisions. Ready for some fast facts about the event? [Red Hills Fast Facts]
In an effort to compile as much information concerning the European EHV-1 outbreak and the crop of cases scattered about the U.S., we’ll be continuously updating this post with new cases, updates from the FEI and USEF, and biosecurity measures that have been implemented at events around the country. We’ll make every effort to keep tabs on this important information but can always use help; please email [email protected] with any verified information that we may have missed.[EHV-1 Updates]
Horse people aren’t always great business people, but it’s necessary. Our impetus for joining this world came from a love of riding horses, not doing taxes. The Plaid Horse made this great guide to writing a business plan that all you young riders (and some older riders) should check out as you endeavor to make a living in the horse world. [5 Tips To Writing a Great Business Plan]
Eventers are nothing if not specialists in transforming racehorses into sporthorses. FEI “I” dressage and eventing Judge Christoph Hess lends his particularly talented voice to this cause, giving advice on how to get the best dressage out of a horse that was bred to do literally anything but that. [Training a Racehorse to Do Dressage]