Petition Againt FEI’s Bute Ruling

A website has just been established to petition the FEI to reverse its ruling to allow small amounts of bute and other PED’s.  The petition website is here, and read more about the story at Horse and Hound.  The petition demonstrates how disenfranchised many people feel by the sudden and autocratic way the FEI handled the entire issue.  All of the work done by the FEI over the last year to reform the image of equestrian sport with respect to doping is being drowned out by the furor over this one issue. has another article on the topic.  Of particular note, “USEF CEO John Long, who told the FEI general assembly that the progressive list was not the USEF’s idea, would not say how the federation voted on the issue. But he did note the FEI agreed to an accommodation that would enable countries such as the U.S., which have had drug testing programs for five years, to decide how the program would be implemented for national-level (non-FEI) classes.”  So the FEI is letting us decide how we want to do things in non-FEI competitions for 5 years?  How generous.  Go eventing.

Related Eventing Nation articles: European Boycott of WEGs?Letter to Princess Haya, Petition to FEI, Horse Racing Won’t Follow FEI, Chronicle Covers Doping Debate, My Take, *FEI Approves ButeFEI Considers Bute 

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