Dana Cooke and FE Mississippi. Photo by Shelby Allen.
You know what they say about horseshoes and luck, well in this sport it never hurts to have a little of the former on your side. Of course, luck has a lot more leverage when it’s backed up with hard work. Keep grindin’!
National Holiday: National Grief Awareness Day
U.S. Weekend Action
Chattahoochee Hills H.T.: [Website] [Entry Status] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Silverwood Farm H.T.: [Website] [Live Scores]
Strzegom Links: Website, Timetable, Start Times, Live Scoring, EN’s Coverage
Sunday Links:
Paul Tapner in ‘good spirits’ as he leaves hospital following brain bleed
‘Horsemanship Can’t Be Allowed to Die Out’: An Argument for The Barn Rat
Now On Course: Seeing Double with the Curtis Twins
Tokyo Talk: USEF Releases Updated Selection Procedures
From The Magazine: Anna Buffini Embraces Her Inner Daredevil
Fitness & Flexibility: A Glimpse Inside McLain Ward’s Training Philosophy
Sunday Video: BTS with Doug Payne and US Coach Erik Duvander.