Two months and well over 300 #EventerProblems later, your struggles are threatening to take over the horsey Internet. Here are 30 more problems only eventers will understand.
If you missed them: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Part XIV.
When you bring your moms #benz to pick up your monthly grain and shavings order and you loose your rear view! #eventerproblems A photo posted by Sage Kurten (@skeventing) on
I want to ride. I really do, but an ice cold beverage is sooooo tempting. … #horsegirlproblems #eventerproblems A photo posted by Emily (@emily.beasley1221) on
When the Liniment you purchased for your horse is on point and now have no feeling in your hand. #eventerproblems A photo posted by Katie Richardson (@krichar321) on
(Finally) Cleaning boots and being surprised by how black they are #EventerProblems — Sara Vogelpohl (@saravogelpohl) July 14, 2015
Via Tom Kimmel: When we XC school, Flyzilla, the infamous “B-52 Fly” is our nemesis in the fields, it’s loud buzzing clearly audible when inbound for horseflesh. #eventerproblems
When your SmartPak cart comes to $651 without the new cross country saddle you need to go with everything. #eventerproblems
— Reilly Fenton (@rfenton16) July 15, 2015
I hate white breeches #fml #dressage #eventerproblems #equestrianproblems #HorseNation A photo posted by Diane (@dmzrimsek) on
Best way to guarantee rain? Sit in the barn with your groomed horse and all your tack ready to go #EventerProblems #CantReallyComplainAboutTheRain #MySprinklersAreGettingABreak A photo posted by Katharine Stancliff (@magicalpoppies) on
wishing I was into underwater basket weaving..A hell of a lot less hot and I’d actually make $ instead of spending it all! #eventerproblems — Jennifer Boyer (@JenniferBoyer21) July 15, 2015
#EventerProblems I skinned my knuckle putting in studs
— Thrifty Equestrian (@thriftyeqblog) July 15, 2015
OMG lack of appropriate riding weather has me contemplating a kitchen remodel. It’s cheaper than an indoor #eventerproblems — Hollyn Mangione (@clotheshorseeq) July 16, 2015
When you use your horse’s shampoo and wash your hair in the wash rack before work #eventerproblems #commitment #eventing #threedayeventing #lowmaintenance #earlyride A photo posted by Lauren DeLalla (@l_delalla) on
Umm Pete? Jumps down there buddy⬇… #equstrian #horsenation #perfectpeterson #hanoverian #americanwarmblood #thoroughbred #dressage #dressagehorse #eventerproblems #eventing #eventer #eventinglife #carolinahorsepark #crosscountry #XC #eskadron #kerrits #horsejumping #horsesofinstagram #oneKhelmets #overjump A photo posted by @izzy_the_eventer on
When you’re waiting for your flight to depart and you look at stuff and think “…I want to jump that.” #eventerproblems @goeventing A photo posted by Ainsley Jacobs (@sr20detg20girl) on
A photo posted by Cora Davis (@serendipitousfuss) on
A photo posted by @emmyofdeath on
When you don’t even want to know what time it is when you are leaving the farm…. #latenights #eventerproblems — Rebecca Barber (@JubileeEq) July 17, 2015
Have you ever, ya know, just tried on your horse’s bell boots? #eventerproblems
— Kristy (@Bahnzai) July 17, 2015
Much sleep will be lacking this weekend… #EventerProblems — Tori (@ConfessionsOfWS) July 17, 2015
“There ain’t no flies on me” says Fleur in her brand new Rambo Protector fly sheet and Rambo Plus fly mask. Thank you @horseware! Fleur won’t be covered in bug bites now when @clarkeventing takes her to the next horse show! #horseware #rugsforlife #clarkeventing #eventerproblems #flies #horse #horsepower #horse #portrait #nature #picoftheday #funny A photo posted by Erin McLaughlin (@styleathomeeditor) on
When your mother is your videographer for your Eric Smiley clinic. #eventerproblems Posted by Sarah Evelyn Murawski on Sunday, July 12, 2015
A video posted by Sarah Sargent (@sarahjsargent) on
A video posted by Sarah Sargent (@sarahjsargent) on
What’s YOUR problem? Tweet it, Instagram it or share it on Facebook with the hashtag #EventerProblems for inclusion in the next edition of this series.
Go Eventing!