Now that we’re approximately one million #EventerProblems into this thing, we’ve seen some recurring themes emerging. Including but not limited to…
If you missed them: Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
Early mornings..
#horselife #horsegirlproblems #eventerproblems A photo posted by Kate Drake (@katedrakevt) on
Equipment errors…
When you wash too many polos at once and they get tied in knots #eventerproblems — Brittney Blevins (@brittneyb724) August 16, 2015
WEIRD dream about tacking up for xc and forgetting Superhorse’s breastplate….#eventerproblems
— KJ (@eventer007) August 14, 2015
There are very very few moments in which I consider that maybe having less tack would be more practical… #eventerproblems #tackcleaningday #lifewithhorses #ohwell A photo posted by Maru Arosemena (@maru.arosemena) on
Puma!! I just washed that #eventerproblems #badcat A photo posted by Andrea Riley (@andrearilex) on
Wardrobe malfunctions…
Training troubles…
When your event horse decides he would rather be an overgrown fish. #thoroughbred #ottb #goingfishing #goofball #suchaweirdo #gonnaneedabiggerboat #eventerproblems A photo posted by Katie Wainscott (@gradygrayhorse) on
This “oh s$&t” moment courtesy of a 17hh greenie and a slippery saddle. #EventerProblems — Crabby Horse Mom (@CrabbyHorseMom) August 16, 2015
When turning becomes optional #lastsummer #thoroughbred #OTTB #eventerproblems #fairhill #whatisturning #howdoilegs A photo posted by Victoria Magliaro (@vmagliaro) on
Horse show headaches…
Getting creative with icing a horses fetlocks when they have glue ons #EventerProblems
— Ashton Hays (@heyyitsAshton) August 15, 2015
How I wash off poultice in the morning on the second day of an event… The struggle is real. #eventerproblems — Olivia Binstead (@HorseDancerLiv) August 16, 2015
Auntie Katelyn brought something super special for Tie to wear the night before the show. He was less than pleased. A photo posted by Kate Drake (@katedrakevt) on
When there’s a class 4 rapid running through the ditch #eventerproblems #NAJYRC2015 A photo posted by cadence michel (@cutthroatcadence) on
#eventerproblems # 913: When you return to work after a trial in Aiken and 77 degrees is freezing.
— Olivia Binstead (@HorseDancerLiv) August 17, 2015
Harm toward self, others and personal property…
Pro tip: don’t nervously bite your lip while jumping unless you want a DIY piercing. #eventerproblems #headclash #fatface A photo posted by @cobiemurphy on
When both of your competition horses come in with a cut on them.. #eventerproblems #ottbprobs — Kelly Parsons (@KellyBear172) August 17, 2015
#Equine Oprah: YOU get some bute & YOU get some bute & YOU get some bute; EVERY-BODY GETS SOME BUTE! #eventerproblems #wheresmybute
— eventer79 (@eventer79) August 15, 2015
But some #EventerProblems are just in a category all of their own.
We got a lot of weird looks in the grocery store today thanks to my baby’s teething toy/rattle. #eventerproblems #hcequestrian #rubberpelham #notasextoy A photo posted by Ali Kermeen (@alikermeen) on
What’s YOUR problem? Tweet it, Instagram it or share it on Facebook with the hashtag #EventerProblems for inclusion in the next edition of this series.
Go Eventing!