Let’s kick off this round of #EventerProblems with the prompt: Tell us how you REALLY feel about dressage!
Here we go…
A photo posted by epmurphy84 (@epmurphy84) on
Today… We attempted to build our dressage arena, I assure you that it isn’t as easy as they make it look! #eventersdoitbetter #eventing #caitlinromeoeventing #dressage #struggleisreal #jumpinstead#eventerproblems A photo posted by Caitlin (@caitlinromeo_eventing) on
A photo posted by Diane Portwood (@dianeportwoodeventing) on
Lincoln’s level of excitement for dressage… #mrpresident #eventerproblems #iswearitsnotthatbad
A photo posted by Jeanna Epping (@jemevent) on
A photo posted by chmortensen (@chmortensen) on
When your trainer looks over your dressage test with you and is like “right here he was basically flipping you off” #eventerproblems
— Erika (@erkawhale) March 8, 2016
Thank goodness for the two other phases?
A photo posted by megmurfey (@megmurfey) on
When that dang pony jumps your lesson out of the tack!!!#overjunpingpony#eventerproblems
A photo posted by Courtney Haessly (@foxridgestable) on
When you trainer shortens your jump stirrups two holes and you can’t walk the next day. #eventerproblems
— Ronnie Hodgkinson (@ronnieeeh) March 11, 2016
*Sigh.* Here are a few more of your deepest, darkest struggles from this week…
Match maker, match maker, make me a match. #toomanylegs #eventerproblems
A photo posted by @emmarae2319 on
When your red mare is a picky eater… #eventerproblems #ottb #fieryredhead
A video posted by Reagan Wiles (@rmw_eventing) on
A photo posted by Kestrel Weyr (@kestrel.weyr) on
A photo posted by Hailey Norby (@pnw.eventing) on
When you layer socks b/c all have holes but your horse gets new #schleese tack#equestrianproblems #eventerproblems pic.twitter.com/xOhovzzr06
— Ashley Eve (@ashleybeve) March 11, 2016
When your truck won’t crank and you have to get hay to the horses. #eventerproblems #rhht #loveisasubaru.
Posted by Tatendrang on Friday, March 11, 2016
I slept in. It’s 7:30.#eventerproblems pic.twitter.com/BbXWAZ2EZi
— Katelyn Drake (@KateDrakeVT) March 12, 2016
How you know the announcer isn’t familiar with eventing: “Martin Boyd is now on course” #rhht #eventerproblems pic.twitter.com/4zel0fFG6Y
— Jenni Autry (@jenniautry) March 12, 2016
Why is it that I can never keep a complete set of tall boot socks? I think the washer eats them on me #eventerproblems #equestrianproblems
— Amanda (@ProudGeekGirl) March 12, 2016
Just panicked because I didn’t have a copy of this car’s coggins for race day. #eventerproblems
— Kristy (@Bahnzai) March 13, 2016
Rode around a 3* XC course this morning
Via helmet cam. Still a rush, can’t wait to get out there! #eventerproblems
— KJ (@eventer007) March 13, 2016
If you missed them: Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60.
Got #EventerProblems? Tag them on social for inclusion in a future edition!
Go Eventing.